Sunday, November 22, 2009

Scientific Looking

We can see Abram so well in this 3-D ultrasound, almost as well if we were to see him in the flesh. I would like to say bravo to those who made this technology possible. It absolutely blew my mind when I discovered that we can see babies in such detail. This kind of technology makes me wonder if our progressions will ever cease.

Science not only provides us with limitless information about anything we so desire to question, but it also is the motivation for some artists. When I see this picture, I admire it as though I would a Van Gogh painting and at the same time, I'm sure it is of remarkable importance to the scientist that uses it to possibly teach his apprentices.

Resveratrol is a chemical known to contain beneficial elements to those who consume it. It has proven to be an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer agent, and cardiovascular supplement in various testing on lab mice. I have to say that I bonded with this picture when I saw it because it directs us to where exactly we can find Resveratrol. By golly, it is in one of my favorite beverages, wine! Science gives us yet another reason to enjoy the finer things in life, and I'm totally appreciative! :)


  1. Yes! Red Wine is delicious! Great examples Jodi, I think a lot of use chose similar ones.

  2. I love all of your examples Jodi!!! On the subject of art in relation to scientific images, I can totally relate to the comparison. Seeing images like the one you posted totally does stimulate creative and imaginetive thoughts in my head. Makes me want to create a cool piece of art or something.
    Resveritrol!!! I love it!!! I've been taking it for a couple months now, and i have actually felt some benifits of the product. But i love WINE too!!! Much better than taking two of those pills everyday...
    GOOD STUFF!!!!! ~Jim

  3. The ultrasound image amazes me. The comparison to a Van Gogh painting is great I hadn't thought of scientific images on that scale.

  4. It is amazing that science has come so far the past twenty years or so. When I was pregnant with my daughter 29 years ago (how time flies) they weren't really performing a lot of ultra sounds. Now it seems the first thing they do when you're pregnant is give you an ultra sound photo of your baby. I have to admit the new 3-D ultra sound photo of babies in the womb kind of give me the creeps for some reason.
