Sunday, November 15, 2009


Weird Al is one of the most famous people that is gifted in expertise involving parodies, pastiches, and remakes. He can create one song to involve all three of those at the same time even. In this specific piece, it resembles that of a parody in his remake of TI's song, Whatever You Like. Originally this song was meant to show that whomever may be TI's significant other will be taken care of and can do whatever she likes in a gallant fashion. The world is her oyster. But Weird Al states in his parody that his girl can live lavishly by eating, drinking, and participating in much more common, realistic ways. For example, Al sings that she can eat all the Top Ramen she likes, and striking our humor fancies, who can really ever imagine Donald Trump or even TI himself eating Top Ramen? ...and on a side note, I would like to say that Top Ramen is pretty delicious sometimes! :)

Remakes are exactly what one would perceive the word remake to be. They are new or different interpretations of the original works. Remakes can be found in all three of the movie, music, or literary genres. When I was a child, I remember one of my favorite movies to be Charlotte's Web. I had never seen anything like it before and to my amazement, I was intrigued by something new. Now in adulthood, I was reunited with the same, yet very different movie that I had once claimed to be a favorite. I have come to find that nothing is ever like the original. I bet that the children living in present day will see another remake of maybe even the remake itself. I think it is really interesting to see the different perspectives of the same movies; however, the originals are always the best.

1 comment:

  1. Lol this is very very funny!! Weird Al Yankovic is great. Cool choice.
