Sunday, November 22, 2009

Scientific Looking

We can see Abram so well in this 3-D ultrasound, almost as well if we were to see him in the flesh. I would like to say bravo to those who made this technology possible. It absolutely blew my mind when I discovered that we can see babies in such detail. This kind of technology makes me wonder if our progressions will ever cease.

Science not only provides us with limitless information about anything we so desire to question, but it also is the motivation for some artists. When I see this picture, I admire it as though I would a Van Gogh painting and at the same time, I'm sure it is of remarkable importance to the scientist that uses it to possibly teach his apprentices.

Resveratrol is a chemical known to contain beneficial elements to those who consume it. It has proven to be an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer agent, and cardiovascular supplement in various testing on lab mice. I have to say that I bonded with this picture when I saw it because it directs us to where exactly we can find Resveratrol. By golly, it is in one of my favorite beverages, wine! Science gives us yet another reason to enjoy the finer things in life, and I'm totally appreciative! :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Weird Al is one of the most famous people that is gifted in expertise involving parodies, pastiches, and remakes. He can create one song to involve all three of those at the same time even. In this specific piece, it resembles that of a parody in his remake of TI's song, Whatever You Like. Originally this song was meant to show that whomever may be TI's significant other will be taken care of and can do whatever she likes in a gallant fashion. The world is her oyster. But Weird Al states in his parody that his girl can live lavishly by eating, drinking, and participating in much more common, realistic ways. For example, Al sings that she can eat all the Top Ramen she likes, and striking our humor fancies, who can really ever imagine Donald Trump or even TI himself eating Top Ramen? ...and on a side note, I would like to say that Top Ramen is pretty delicious sometimes! :)

Remakes are exactly what one would perceive the word remake to be. They are new or different interpretations of the original works. Remakes can be found in all three of the movie, music, or literary genres. When I was a child, I remember one of my favorite movies to be Charlotte's Web. I had never seen anything like it before and to my amazement, I was intrigued by something new. Now in adulthood, I was reunited with the same, yet very different movie that I had once claimed to be a favorite. I have come to find that nothing is ever like the original. I bet that the children living in present day will see another remake of maybe even the remake itself. I think it is really interesting to see the different perspectives of the same movies; however, the originals are always the best.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fullfill me please?!

This commercial insists that in order to preserve the bodies' youth, you must drink Evian water. Instead of living your normal life, you can live like these dancing babies that are rocking out and doing radical stunts on skates. These babies seem to the public as if they are super babies. If you want to be super, you must drink the water. I showed a few people this commercial and noticed that it reaches out to pretty much everyone, young or old, male or female.

Well, it seems as though everyone is dancing these days. These two college girls start off in a dull, blank, boring dorm and by the time they're finished dancing, their trips to Target have transformed their room into a chic, colorful place to love and live in. It also suggests that you can't get what they got to decorate their room anywhere else but Target. It saves them money and also seems to resemble more of an elegant decor. This ad definitely reaches out to the younger female generation, although I must say that I can probably guess that males would also enjoy this commercial.

HAHA! Do you want to live the high, lavish, gaudy lifestyle? Well, then drink Heineken! This ad is one involving a comparison between the woman's huge closet full of shoes and clothes. Its really all the rave to these women who find their screams overpowered by the screams coming from the men. The comparison is that having a huge refrigerator of Heineken is the same to men as every woman's dream closet. Now this ad would probably more directly adhere to the wants and needs of a male gender, but I being a woman, found that I was just as impressed as those men. :)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Everyday Media

The Internet has become one of the most influential components of media in our everyday lives. It opens a giant window of information provided to its users globally, simplistically, creatively, and by all means, in a friendly fashion. Nowadays there is no need for physically sending out an envelope to mail a friend a letter. All you have to do is fire up your computer, type out the letter, and hit send. The speed of this communication proves to be much more convenient and timely as it takes only seconds to receive an email. The Internet is also a source for any type of news ones heart may desire. We now have sites like Myspace and Facebook that allows consumers to create infinite profiles allowing friends and family to see pictures, stay updated and so forth. I would say that the Internet is infinite, all access, all the time.

When we watch the news, we are forced to look upon politically edited media. Big conglomerates entertain us with their own politically powered motives control channels like CNN, Headline News, Fox...etc. When we see and hear stories of the war, we are only seeing and hearing the stories they want us to hear. Consider the fact that we don’t hear about 99.9999% of the news in the world. American society depends on the media in order for our democracy to work and we are only shown what executives and such people want us to see.

America has come a long way in the technological aspect. From the first camera to the first television and radio, our huge strides in technology have a direct effect on our media. It was a thing of the norm to listen to the radio for news, now with the Internet and digital television, we have the news at our very own fingertips. With mass media coming out of every direction in our lives, our society automatically benefits from easy accessible information of every kind. We only find more prosperity in the new inventions we meet everyday in technology and media.